One of the great wine debates out there: stemmed vs stemless wine glasses (ok, so maybe not a big debate, but one I come across quite often). So let’s take a look at each!
✔️ Keep wine cool and free from being warmed up from hands
✔️ No fingerprints on the glass when holding the stem
✔️ Easier to analyze wine in glass
✔️ Easy to swirl wine, encouraging it to breathe
✔️ Are delicate, classy and traditional
❌ Are prone to break at the stem; not as sturdy as a flat base
❌ Most are handwash-only
❌ Tend to be more expensive that stemless glasses
✔️ Heats red wine up (for those who prefer that)
✔️ Easy to store, especially in smaller spaces
✔️ Perfect for a dishwasher
✔️ Great for large gatherings
✔️ Easy to grip
❌ Fingerprints everywhere make it hard to analyze wine
❌ Swirling can get messy
❌ Warms up chilled wine quicker than in stemmed glasses
I asked 21 people a simple question: Which do you prefer, stemmed or stemless glasses? Below is the breakdown of my findings:

Most of those who responded said stemmed glasses are the way to go:
Stem, because stemless is too awkward. – WG
Definitely stemmed. I don’t like that the wine gets warm when you hold a stemless glass. – VM
Though stemless did have fans!
Stemless on the patio – no spillage! – LM
I like them both (stemless more so now) — but has to be glass no matter what! – OD
I think this was my favorite response of all: Whichever has wine in it!! – LLM
❓ Where do you stand: Stemmed or stemless wine glasses? Share your thoughts below.
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